Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Media Meditation #4. OMG TFLN ROX LMAO

Texts From Last Night (TFLN) is a regularly updated blog that re-posts short text messages submitted by its users. The site gets about 4 million hits per day, and it tends to be posts that are scandalous. The texts are sent by people who wake up in the morning and find regrettable message either received or sent from there phone, and they then send them to the website. The messages have area codes attached to them, and they often resemble drunk dials.


Four Tool Sets

  •  TFLN displays an aesthetic shift because there are applications for BlackBerry’s and the iPhone. People use these devices as a multimedia platform, browsing and submitting text messages from their hand held’s.
  • The site also exhibits a technological shift because this is a big advancement in technology. It was amazing when computers advanced and cell phones that could go online were put on the market, but the fact that people are now able to blog texts messages to a public website it’s pretty incredible.
  • “Reality” Construction/trade-offs are apply to TFLN because although the website is entertaining and fun to read, the text messages on it are degrading people and displaying inappropriate behaviors. People think things like this are funny, but in the long run it is making things like sleeping around more acceptable in society, which isn’t a good thing.
  • Noticeably TFLN uses humor as a persuasive technique. The texts on their website are so humors that users check daily to get a good laugh. This is a great technique because there is a constant flow of entertaining texts, and the website creators don’t do much since the website is a user updated blog.

Media & Culture has a section on blogs, calling them the “biggest phenomenon in user-created content on the Internet.” Blogs are a huge shift for technology, and they are certainly a shift in a positive direction. Like I said previously, TFLN’s daily updated humor keeps readers coming back. “Ideally, blogs are updated frequently, often with daily posts that keep readers coming back to them.” Media & Culture says that a 2006 study by Pew Internet & American Life Project found more than 12 million U.S. adults have created blogs, and 39 % read blogs. It is clear that our future will contain a lot of blogging. 

(716)a drug dealer just gave me his business card. it had his face on it drinking a 40oz

(443): i just turned the eviction notice into a beer pong list

(314): So I went out on a date with this girl...and whos our waitress? My girlfriend got a second job she didn't tell me about so she could afford my bday present. 

(312): I remember going home with 2 girls. Woke up with 4.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, Kasia.

    These messages are so funnily inappropriate.

    Fascinating and EXCELLENT post - you are on a roll!

    dr. W
