Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kashi Cereal

 Hi my name is Kasia and my full name is Katarzyna.
 Some of my nick names are Kash, Kush, and Kashi Cereal. 
I am from Holliston, Massachusetts, and I am currently 18 years old.
 I was born on February 28, 1991.
I really enjoy listening to music. My favorite types of music are reggae and gangster rap, and I am a big Bob Marley fan.

My favorite color is green, and I really want to get a pet chameleon. This is video of a chameleon changing color that I'd like to share!

I really love Vermont, and I'm glad I made the decision to attend Champlain College. I look forward to learning about media in society!

In my opinion, I have a pretty good relationship with media. It really interests me, and I enjoy
discovering new things about media. Media is such a large part of my life that it is hard not to be absorbed by it. We truly are fish in an ocean of media, constantly surrounded and unaware.

For the future, I plan to have a career in either radio or television, or event planning. Although television has always fascinated me, I feel like I could really do well in an event-planning field. I really love weddings, and this is what I would like to focus on. If this plan does not work, I would love to work in broadcasting, and possibly have a radio show. I love music, and I think it would be really fun to work at a radio station. Before this though, I need to get some more experience in radio, which I plan to gain soon. I don’t really have anything else planned out for my future, other than the fact that I want either a Bernese mountain dog, (just in case you've never seen one) or a Husky. I also want to retire in the Florida Keys, and live a laid back life.

Four concepts I deemed most important so far are, the age of convergence, the debate over where uprising technology is a good or bad thing, Internet security and appropriateness, and network cost saving strategies. 

  • The Age of Convergence: Media convergence today has two different meanings. First, it refers to the technological merging of content in different mass media. An example of this is magazines articles are now available on the web, along with television shows available for an iPod.  Another meaning for media convergence is also called a cross platform. This describes a business model that involves consolidating various media holdings, such as cable connections, phone services, television transmissions, and Internet access, all under one large corporate company.  I think this concept really reflects on how advanced technology has become.
  • The debate over whether the uprising in technology is a good thing or bad thing shows how the Internet may become a democracy. Advocates call the Internet, "the most democratic social network ever conceived." This is threatening to some, who see this climb as an increase in commercialization. The growth of commercial “channels” on the Internet has far outpaced the emergence of viable non-profit channels. Others argue that newer media forms allow greater participation than any other medium.
  • I think that the question of security and appropriateness is a key concept in these four chapters. These days, almost anyone can learn how to hack onto a website and take vital information, or post explicit photos on common sites such as and Web 2.0 has so many users, and is so vast that it is hard to control what goes up or who is sneaking around. Simply purchasing a spyware detector, and monitoring what sites your looking at make it a little easier to control what goes from the internet to your personal computer. Luckily certain acts that have been passed such as the Child Online Protection Act of 2000 requires schools and libraries that receive federal funding for Internet access to use software that filters out any visual content deemed obscene, pornographic, or harmful to minors, unless disabled at the request of adult users. 

  • I think the networks cost-saving strategies concept is really interesting. Networks still purchase or license many prime-time TV programs, they create more of their own prime-time fare. Producing TV newsmagazines and reality programs are a major way networks save money and control content. These shows demand only about half the outlay demanded by an hour's worth of drama. The networks also avoid paying license fees to independent producers by paying for projects in house.

By the end of the semester, I would like to know the reason why people are so reliant on the Internet. What happened that actually made technology advance so quickly?